Thursday, March 20, 2008

Film Shoot @ Kuala Kubu Baru

I was recently involved in a short film with a few of my friends. The location of the shoot was at the beautiful and picturesque waterfalls of Magic River in Kuala Kubu Baru.
Here are some pictures I thought I'd share with you.
There are a lot of beautiful places to explore in Malaysia and Kuala Kubu Baru is one of them. The drive there takes about an hour and a half and is highly recommended for a quick getaway from the hustle and bustle of city life.

I went home around 3pm to get ready for the trip. It rained throughout the whole journey to KKB and the drive was surreal, rain against beautiful scenic backdrops.

After driving for more than an hour, we arrived in KKB town. First thing's first though, we looked for a restaurant to quell our hunger. We left KL around 9pm and by the time we arrived most of the restaurants were closed except for mamaks. Luckily we found this quaint little Chinese restaurant which was still open and most importantly, served beers !

Fried Calamari

Umm..Deep Fried Calamari

Japanese Tofu on hotplate

Steamed freshwater fish

We were famished and the food tasted really good. I was so busy eating that I forgot to take note of what the last two dishes were hehehe.
The bill came up to $108.00 for 6 people.
We went to a mate's place to prepare for our early morning shoot and also to crashout.

I can't remember when I last woke up as early as 7am.. When people tell me it's good to wake up early or make idiotic statements like 'The early bird gets the worm', I will usually tell them to sod off. Here in KKB, I actually look forward to waking up early, the air is so refreshingly clean and the birds here chirp.. I mentioned the birds cos' the ones around my apartment cackles..
Next stop... our shooting location :)

Scenery from KKB town at 7am

Road leading to Kg.Pertak, our shoot location

Scenery from Kg. Pertak

Setting up for our first scene

Before the director got to yell 'ACTION', someone decided to pay us a visit.

The director had to bribe a certain official to let us shoot on location *sniff*...*sniff*. Suffice to say, he didn't take the crisp.

Road leading into Kg.Pertak

View of orang asli chalets in Kg.Pertak

'Alamak bang, kena bayar lagi ke ??'
'Janganlah tunjuk muka toyaaa'

'Ok..ok janganlah marah, saya bayar nih'...
'Nah ! Biskut cap pelempang satuuu'

We finally arrived at our destination but we weren't the only ones there. A group of orang asli kids were already playing in the water, swimming like dolphins. These kids take to water just like birds take to the air, they are so adorable and curious :)
It is so cool experiencing this firsthand compared to watching it on our tourism adverts.

Here we are fishing for dinner orang asli style.

We can't be arsed to change into swimwear, wanna swim now !!!

Say hello to my leetle friend..Mr.Goldfeesh

We have finally come to the end of our journey. We are done and I'm already missing everyone :( Although it was tiring, I can't remember the lastime I had so much fun !
I'm definately coming back to KKB to unwind.
I hope you all had fun reading this post as much as I had fun sharing it with you :) I will post the video up once it's done.

Kg. Pertak Magic River
Kuala Kubu Baru

Here's a map.

For more information, please visit


  1. damn that dog looks funny!

  2. ive been to kkb before for OBS but i dont remember it being this scenic.

    love the look on the 2nd dog's face heheh
